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. NFT-Fundraising for DeSci

FunDeSci is a decentralized platform that revolutionizes scientific funding, connecting researchers, investors, and organizations to drive meaningful advancements in research. Through blockchain technology and NFTs, we provide a transparent, accessible, and efficient ecosystem, solving the challenges of traditional funding models.

Diversified Impact

NFT-Fundraising transcends sectors, fostering collaboration in scientific research, charity, arts, tech, and more. It's an inclusive approach that empowers contributors across various fields.

Global Reach

Leveraging blockchain technology, NFT-Fundraising transcends geographical boundaries, enabling global participation in initiatives that resonate with individuals worldwide.


NFT-Fundraising operates on decentralized blockchain networks, reducing intermediaries and empowering direct interaction between contributors and creators.

Who we are

FunDeSci is at the forefront of NFT-fundraising, providing a secure and transparent platform for researchers and investors. Adding an additional dimension to the FunDeSci platform by integrating a marketplace for research-based NFTs. Our team’s expertise in blockchain, software development, and scientific research positions us to drive success and create a lasting impact in the scientific funding landscape.

Our goals

Our core values are deeply ingrained in everything we do, and they drive our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.


Facilitating progression of scientific research via accessible funding


Establishing a network of researchers and investors with shared interests


Fostering a value chain within the scientific community through science marketplace


Utilizing blockchain technology for transparency and accountability in funding


Collaborating with organizations to provide funding opportunities to qualified scientists


Promoting collaboration, innovation, and convergence of academia and industry

Traditional funding problems

  • Current crowdfunding platforms for science are not specifically built for scientific projects
  • Difficulty for early-career researchers or less recognized institutions to get funding
  • Intellectual Property (IP) handling is often complicated and opaque
  • Gender, Racial, and Ethnic discrimination in grant allocations
  • Lack of access and transparency in the allocation of funds
  • Limited number of calls per year
  • Lack of governmental grants
  • Long evaluation process

Our solution to traditional models

FunDeSci leverages blockchain technology and NFTs to revolutionize scientific research funding

Democratizes the funding process
Ensures transparency and accessibility
Potential for Return on Investment (ROI) in NFT Science Marketplace
Facilitates the ownership and transfer of IP rights through NFTs